
  • Sultonova N.A. Department of "Advanced training of a general practitioner", With the course "Emergency care" of the Bukhara Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan Author


spontaneous miscarriage, miscarriage, anembryonia, frozen pregnancy, chromosomal aberrations


A literature review is devoted to the problem of early pregnancy loss. The modern classification is presented, the issues of the etiology and pathogenesis of this complication, the criteria for diagnosis and differential diagnosis, as well as the standards of therapy and the possibilities of prevention are highlighted.


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Sharipova R.G., Zaripova D.Ya. Effectiveness of using aleandronic acid with hormone replacement therapy alone and together. Tibbiyotda yangi kun 3(31)2020 538-541 bet

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Zaripova D. and Sharipova R. Comparative evaluation of the use of aleandronic acid in menopausal women complicated by osteoporosis. European journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences.2020.Vol-7, issue-6.P.145-147

Zaripova D.Yа., Tuksanova D.I., Negmatullaeva M.N. Osobennosti techeniya perimenopauzal'nogo perekhoda zhenshchin s ozhireniem. Novosti dermatovenerologii i reproduktivnogo zdorov'ya. № 1-2.2020 Str.39-42.

Zaripova D.Yа., Negmatullaeva M.N.,Tuksanova D.I., Ashurova N.G. Vliyanie magnij deficitnogo sostoyaniya i disbalansa steroidnyh gormonov zhiznedeyatel'nosti organizma zhenshchiny. Tibbiyotda yangi kun 2019; 3 (27) Str- 14-18.




How to Cite

Sultonova N.A. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF ADDICTED MISSING OF PREGNANCYIN EARLY STAGES OF PREGNANCY. Oriental Journal of Academic and Multidisciplinary Research , 1(1), 94-101.