
  • Zaripova D.Ya., Bukhara State Medical Institute Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of traumatology and orthopedics Author
  • Safarov N.B. Bukhara State Medical Institute Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of traumatology and orthopedics Author
  • Rustamova U.M. Bukhara State Medical Institute Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of traumatology and orthopedics Author


heart failure, diabetes mellitus, pathogenesis, treatment.


The article presents data from a scientific study on the role of the influence of comorbid pathologies such as: diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF), pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of heart failure in patients with DM, risk factors for developing CHF (hyperglycemia, increased body mass index, age, coronary heart disease, nephropathy, proteinuria, duration of diabetes, etc.). The results of the analysis of mortality in patients with or without DM depending on the ejection fraction are shown. The characteristics of various drugs for the treatment of CHF, including in patients with DM, are given, promising directions for the treatment of this group of patients are highlighted. Treatment has been shown to be effective with lifestyle changes: weight loss, exercise, diet, etc. in obese patients with and without DM.


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How to Cite

Zaripova D.Ya., Safarov N.B., & Rustamova U.M. (2023). TREATMENT OF COMORBID PATHOLOGY OF CHRONIC HEART FAILURE IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS. Oriental Journal of Academic and Multidisciplinary Research , 1(1), 102-108.