
  • Ochilov Alisher Kamilovich (PhD) E-mail: alimed@inbox.ru Department of Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology, Bukhara state medical institute Abu Ali ibn Sino, Bukhara, republic of Uzbekistan; Author


Cytochrome p450, gene polymorphism, CYP2С19 genes, chronic gastritis, individual pharmacotherapy.


The article notes that pharmacotherapy taking into account the patient’s genotype is a young area that contributes to the safety and effectiveness of treatment with proton pump inhibitors. The determination of CYP2C19 gene polymorphism allows one to initially determine the tactics of treatment with proton pump inhibitors in patients with acid-dependent diseases.


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How to Cite

Ochilov Alisher Kamilovich (PhD). (2023). FEATURES OF CYP2C19 GENE FOR INDIVIDUALIZED PHARMACOTHERAPY. Oriental Journal of Academic and Multidisciplinary Research , 1(2), 49-54. https://inno-world.uz/index.php/ojamr/article/view/39