Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Teacher Competences


  • Gonca Ekşi Prof.Dr Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey Author
  • Gulchehra Rahmanova PhD Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages Author


Artificial Intelligence, technology, teacher competences, globally competent teachers, evolution in education.


This article examines the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology on English Language Teaching (ELT) and the evolving competencies required of teachers in this new educational landscape. It argues that AI is not replacing teachers, but rather augmenting their role, creating new opportunities for personalized learning, data-driven instruction, and the development of globally competent language learners. The article explores key AI applications in ELT, including personalized learning platforms, automated assessment tools, and intelligent tutoring systems. It further analyzes the changing roles of teachers in an AI-driven world, emphasizing the need for new skills in technology integration, data analysis, and the ability to facilitate student learning within a blended learning environment. By highlighting the collaborative potential of AI and human educators, the article advocates for a future of language instruction that empowers both teachers and learners to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological world.


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How to Cite

Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Teacher Competences. (2024). XALQARO ILMIY-AMALIY KONFERENSIYALAR, 1(1), 17-22.