
  • Radjabova Gulnoza Giyosiddinovna Senior teacher, Uzbekistan State World Languages University Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: rad.gulnoza@gmail.com Author


Corpus-based methods, DDL, teaching materials, student-centeredness.


Corpus-based methods have significantly enhanced language education in both formal (classroom-based) and informal learning settings. The impact of corpora on EFL dictionaries has been substantial, with notable advancements. While similar progress is now being made in the areas of morpho-syntax and semantics, the integration of corpus-based approaches into syllabi has not progressed at the same pace. This article will discuss how corpus-based approaches can be led to a more student-centered approach to learning and teaching, empowering learners to act as researchers of their own developing interlanguage, how data-driven learning (DDL) has transformed the integration of corpus-based approaches with more traditional methodologies.


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How to Cite

FEATURES OF WRITTEN CORPORA EXPLOITED IN CREATING LANGUAGE TEACHING MATERIALS. (2024). XALQARO ILMIY-AMALIY KONFERENSIYALAR, 1(1), 172-176. https://inno-world.uz/index.php/ispconference/article/view/550