Gamifying Listening and Comprehension Skills: Effective Strategies for English Teachers in Uzbekistan


  • Dr. Ravindra Kumar Sharda University Uzbekistan Author
  • Alisher Sidikov Uktamjonovich PhD Student, Andijan State Foreign Languages Institute Author


For elementary students, interactive activities such as storytelling with props, songs and rhymes with actions, and listening bingo games are employed to foster


In the evolving landscape of education, gamification has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes, particularly in language acquisition. This study explores a range of gamified strategies tailored to improve listening and comprehension skills among elementary, middle, and high school students in Uzbekistan. Drawing from both Uzbek and international educational research, the strategies are designed to cater to the unique educational context and cultural nuances of Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite

Gamifying Listening and Comprehension Skills: Effective Strategies for English Teachers in Uzbekistan. (2024). XALQARO ILMIY-AMALIY KONFERENSIYALAR, 1(1), 506-512.